Does the implantable contact lens procedure hurt?
Does implantable contact lens treatment hurt? We asked Alex Shortt to speak about the implantable contact lens procedure in regards to pain. Find out more ..
Does implantable contact lens treatment hurt? We asked Alex Shortt to speak about the implantable contact lens procedure in regards to pain. Find out more ..
How much does an implantable contact lens cost? Interview transcription: In an interview, Alex Shortt explains the cost of an implantable lens Interviewer: How much does an implantable contact lens cost? Alex Shortt: The costs vary, but in general it is more expensive than laser eye
In an interview, Alex Shortt discusses which patients are more suitable for an implantable contact lens instead of laser eye surgery
In an interview, Alex Shortt explains what your results will be like after implantable contact lens treatment.
In an interview, Alex Shortt discusses the risks associated with implantable contact lens
In an interview, Alex Shortt discusses certain restrictions after implantable contact lens treatment.
Alex Shortt talks about when to expect results after having your implantable contact lens surgery and speaks about the phenomenal lifespan of the ICL.
Alex Shortt informs us about the implantable contact lens (ICL) and its benefits.
What are the alternatives if a patient is not eligible for laser eye surgery? There are alternatives to laser eye surgery If someone is not suitable for laser eye surgery, this does not mean that we cannot undertake vision correction. The alternatives to laser eye surgery
Why would a patient require laser eye surgery? Wearing glasses or contact lenses are very disabling The reason why most people choose to have laser eye surgery is that they find that the consequences of wearing glasses or contact lenses are very disabling or they have